Marilyn had a way of speaking blunt truth adamantly, not from anger, though she was angry, not from despair, though she was intimate with hopelessness, if not her own, then the hopelessness of others. Harris herself could be moody, full of warmth and humor one day, reserved, even taciturn the next, but never quite hopeless and maybe that is what drew Todd to her. Her faith was strong, girded and steely, if rarely worn on the sleeve. Tragedy did not diminish it but perhaps it is fair to say it altered it some, like an addendum, adding questions and an element of searching to her usual gratitude to God for another day on earth, for her children, for new ideas that came to her, for progress. Though she didn’t often mention it explicitly, you could feel her faith, in the work she did, in her quiet sense of righteousness, in the clarity she had about the need for someone to do what she was doing, to say what she was saying, though few were listening, yet.
James O'Brien